Holocaust Remembrance Day
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Seymour Hare
2025-01-27 14:44:33 UTC
Today is the day to remember the suffering and genocide wrought upon
the Palestinian people of Gaza. Tens of thousands mostly women and
children, were murdered and tortured by the Israeli death squads aka
IDF. Please keep these innocent victims in your thoughts and prayers
2025-01-27 15:35:24 UTC
Post by Seymour Hare
Today is the day to remember the suffering and genocide wrought upon
the Palestinian people
The Doctor
2025-01-27 16:59:00 UTC
Post by Seymour Hare
Today is the day to remember the suffering and genocide wrought upon
the Palestinian people of Gaza. Tens of thousands mostly women and
children, were murdered and tortured by the Israeli death squads aka
IDF. Please keep these innocent victims in your thoughts and prayers
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
The Doctor
2025-01-27 16:59:35 UTC
Post by Seymour Hare
Today is the day to remember the suffering and genocide wrought upon
the Palestinian people of Gaza. Tens of thousands mostly women and
children, were murdered and tortured by the Israeli death squads aka
IDF. Please keep these innocent victims in your thoughts and prayers
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From: Seymour Hare <***@invalid.not>
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Spamtrollers are trolls posting useless spam thinking it is content
but are posting useless noise. Spamtrolls are newsgroup vandals!
Thoses trolls are as bad as Donald Trump on Twitter.

Spamtroller eymour Hare , thou art rebuked in the Name of Yahweh the Father,
Lord Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit for Jesus has all authority here
and Satan has no authority here!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
Rod Williams
2025-01-27 19:31:49 UTC
Post by Seymour Hare
Today is the day to remember the suffering and genocide wrought upon
the Palestinian people of Gaza. Tens of thousands mostly women and
children, were murdered and tortured by the Israeli death squads aka
IDF. Please keep these innocent victims in your thoughts and prayers
Trump wants them exterminated. Anyone disagreeing with him will be
