Bradley K. Sherman
2024-11-08 12:27:33 UTC
| ...
| On the American democracy front, the Trump phenomenon
| embodies post-truth in its purest form, with the full
| triumph now of a movement devoted to saying whatever will
| get them to power, with less than no interest in whether
| any of it is true. I've spent a lot of time trying to
| understand why voters in the US voted the way they did in
| this latest and recent elections. Taking a look at last
| night's exit polling, the answer is pretty simple. Rich and
| poor voted much the same way, but those with the least
| education voted for Trump by a 28% margin, those with the
| most education voted for Harris by a 21% margin. The polite
| term for the first group seems to be "low information
| voters", but what's going on is that education is exactly
| what gives you the tools to look for the truth and not get
| taken in by lies.
| ...
| ...
| The stated goals of the new administration towards science
| and medical policy are (in my view) disastrous. But so are
| their economic plans and their foreign policy. I am going
| to get through these next four years somehow without being
| consumed by despair or constant rage. I will take refuge in
| my scientific pursuits, in my other interests, in the arts
| and in the natural world (lots of astronomy, lots of
| hiking, etc.) But if the administration remains on the
| courses it has announced, I will also remain in fierce
| opposition and will always be deciding on the best ways to
| move against its actions. I very much recommend Ken White's
| thoughts here.
| ...
| ...
| Trump won yesterday, as I feared he would. I firmly believe
| America -- and likely the world -- will get significantly
| worse for at least a generation, probably more. I'll spare
| you, for now, the why. Frankly, I think you either already
| accept it or will never accept it. The things I care about,
| like the rule of law and equality before it, freedom of
| religion, freedom of speech, free trade in service of free
| people, relative prosperity, protection of the weak from
| the strong, truth, and human dignity are all going to
| suffer. Bullies and their sycophants and apologists will
| thrive.
| ...
| On the American democracy front, the Trump phenomenon
| embodies post-truth in its purest form, with the full
| triumph now of a movement devoted to saying whatever will
| get them to power, with less than no interest in whether
| any of it is true. I've spent a lot of time trying to
| understand why voters in the US voted the way they did in
| this latest and recent elections. Taking a look at last
| night's exit polling, the answer is pretty simple. Rich and
| poor voted much the same way, but those with the least
| education voted for Trump by a 28% margin, those with the
| most education voted for Harris by a 21% margin. The polite
| term for the first group seems to be "low information
| voters", but what's going on is that education is exactly
| what gives you the tools to look for the truth and not get
| taken in by lies.
| ...
| ...
| The stated goals of the new administration towards science
| and medical policy are (in my view) disastrous. But so are
| their economic plans and their foreign policy. I am going
| to get through these next four years somehow without being
| consumed by despair or constant rage. I will take refuge in
| my scientific pursuits, in my other interests, in the arts
| and in the natural world (lots of astronomy, lots of
| hiking, etc.) But if the administration remains on the
| courses it has announced, I will also remain in fierce
| opposition and will always be deciding on the best ways to
| move against its actions. I very much recommend Ken White's
| thoughts here.
| ...
| ...
| Trump won yesterday, as I feared he would. I firmly believe
| America -- and likely the world -- will get significantly
| worse for at least a generation, probably more. I'll spare
| you, for now, the why. Frankly, I think you either already
| accept it or will never accept it. The things I care about,
| like the rule of law and equality before it, freedom of
| religion, freedom of speech, free trade in service of free
| people, relative prosperity, protection of the weak from
| the strong, truth, and human dignity are all going to
| suffer. Bullies and their sycophants and apologists will
| thrive.
| ...