The Trump Crime Family
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Bradley K. Sherman
2023-12-03 21:03:11 UTC
| Trump pardoned them. Now they're helping him return to
| power.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-12-11 15:48:20 UTC
How to shut up a Trumpling? Place him under oath:
| In a reversal, Donald Trump says he won't testify in his
| own defense in New York fraud trial
| ...
| His son Eric Trump similarly backed out of testifying this
| past Wednesday, which the elder Trump said in a social
| media post Tuesday night he'd directed him to do.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2023-12-14 14:37:40 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| In a reversal, Donald Trump says he won't testify in his
| own defense in New York fraud trial
| ...
| His son Eric Trump similarly backed out of testifying this
| past Wednesday, which the elder Trump said in a social
| media post Tuesday night he'd directed him to do.
| ...
| In an unexpected twist, Rudy Giuliani will not testify in
| his defamation trial, an attorney said as court convened
| this morning.
| Giuliani told reporters on Wednesday that he "intends" to
| testify today in his own defense.
| ...

Max Boot
2023-12-14 15:02:16 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| In a reversal, Donald Trump says he won't testify in his
| own defense in New York fraud trial
| ...
| His son Eric Trump similarly backed out of testifying this
| past Wednesday, which the elder Trump said in a social
| media post Tuesday night he'd directed him to do.
| ...
| In an unexpected twist, Rudy Giuliani will not testify in
| his defamation trial, an attorney said as court convened
| this morning.
| Giuliani told reporters on Wednesday that he "intends" to
| testify today in his own defense.
| ...
Q. How do you know Trump is lying?

A. He's speaking.
Mitchell Holman
2023-12-14 18:46:34 UTC
Post by Max Boot
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| In a reversal, Donald Trump says he won't testify in his
| own defense in New York fraud trial
| ...
| His son Eric Trump similarly backed out of testifying this
| past Wednesday, which the elder Trump said in a social
| media post Tuesday night he'd directed him to do.
| ...
| In an unexpected twist, Rudy Giuliani will not testify in
| his defamation trial, an attorney said as court convened
| this morning.
| Giuliani told reporters on Wednesday that he "intends" to
| testify today in his own defense.
| ...
Q. How do you know Trump is lying?
A. He's speaking.
Remember when he called into
a radio talk show pretending to
be someone else?
Governor Swill
2023-12-14 22:11:54 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Max Boot
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| In a reversal, Donald Trump says he won't testify in his
| own defense in New York fraud trial
| ...
| His son Eric Trump similarly backed out of testifying this
| past Wednesday, which the elder Trump said in a social
| media post Tuesday night he'd directed him to do.
| ...
| In an unexpected twist, Rudy Giuliani will not testify in
| his defamation trial, an attorney said as court convened
| this morning.
| Giuliani told reporters on Wednesday that he "intends" to
| testify today in his own defense.
| ...
Q. How do you know Trump is lying?
A. He's speaking.
Remember when he called into
a radio talk show pretending to
be someone else?
LOL! Yeah, I recall that!

"I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in
the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
- Paul Weyrich, co founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-05 14:52:02 UTC
| Federal prosecutors in New York on Thursday added an
| expansive racketeering count against Chinese financier Guo
| Wengui, who is accused of orchestrating a $1 billion fraud
| conspiracy.
| ...
| Guo made headlines in August 2020 when [Trump Senior
| Counselor Steve] Bannon was taken into custody while aboard
| Guo's 150-foot yacht off the coast of Connecticut on
| charges that he defrauded online donors in the name of
| helping construct then-President Trump's southern border
| wall.
| Bannon pleaded not guilty and was pardoned on the federal
| charges five months later by Trump in his final days in the
| White House.

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-16 21:15:21 UTC
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| The Republican was convicted in September on two counts of
| contempt of Congress after refusing to comply with
| subpoenas related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-16 21:18:15 UTC
| NEW: Capitol Police Investigating Roger Stone Remarks About
| Assassinating Members of Congress
| ...

Lou Bricano
2024-01-16 21:30:20 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| The Republican was convicted in September on two counts of
| contempt of Congress after refusing to comply with
| subpoenas related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot
New trial requests are granted when it can be shown there was some error of law
the judge made in instructing the jury. There was no such error in the traitor
Navarro's case. It was open-and-shut and there was virtually no law on which the
judge instructed the jury. Navarro was issued a subpoena, he refused to show up,
end of story. He's guilty.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-19 14:23:28 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| Federal prosecutors asked a judge Thursday to sentence
| former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro to six
| months behind bars for contempt of Congress, saying he put
| allegiance to former president Donald Trump over the rule
| of law in refusing to cooperate with a House committee
| probing the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-25 17:38:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| Federal prosecutors asked a judge Thursday to sentence
| former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro to six
| months behind bars for contempt of Congress, saying he put
| allegiance to former president Donald Trump over the rule
| of law in refusing to cooperate with a House committee
| probing the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
Judge sentenced Trump crime family member Navarro to four months.

Mike Colangelo
2024-01-25 18:29:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| Federal prosecutors asked a judge Thursday to sentence
| former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro to six
| months behind bars for contempt of Congress, saying he put
| allegiance to former president Donald Trump over the rule
| of law in refusing to cooperate with a House committee
| probing the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
Judge sentenced Trump crime family member Navarro to four months.
Steve Bannon (the unmade bed) was sentenced to four months for contempt of
Congress in October 2022. He still hasn't served it.

Do the Republiscums/QAnon seriously think that Hunter Biden will ever serve jail
time for contempt of Congress?
Mitchell Holman
2024-01-25 19:11:30 UTC
Post by Mike Colangelo
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Adviser Peter Navarro's Request for New Trial Shot
| Down
| Federal prosecutors asked a judge Thursday to sentence
| former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro to six
| months behind bars for contempt of Congress, saying he put
| allegiance to former president Donald Trump over the rule
| of law in refusing to cooperate with a House committee
| probing the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack.
Judge sentenced Trump crime family member Navarro to four months.
Steve Bannon (the unmade bed) was sentenced to four months for
contempt of Congress in October 2022. He still hasn't served it.
Do the Republiscums/QAnon seriously think that Hunter Biden will ever
serve jail time for contempt of Congress?
The irony is that Biden DID
obey the subpoena, he DID show
up to testify, in public, under
oath. But Republicans are so
ashamed of their questions they
don't want the public to hear
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-26 23:10:21 UTC
There seems to be a trend here:
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Defamation of GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-27 00:53:06 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
Wait, there's more:
| Steve Bannon Admits Bank Account May Have Evidence of Fraud
| Steve Bannon is in a tight spot. He didn't pay his lawyer,
| got sued, and now his finances might be subject to review.
| The problem is, there might be evidence of fraud there.
| ...

Bannon was Trump's White House Chief Strategist and CEO of
his 2016 campaign.

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-01-27 03:11:25 UTC
Longtime member of the Trump Crime Family:
| Vince McMahon, who co-founded the modern WWE in 1982, has
| resigned from his roles as TKO Executive Chairman and from
| his position on the TKO Board of Directors, he said in a
| statement provided to ESPN on Friday night.
| McMahon, 78, leaves the publicly traded company -- which
| was formed when the UFC merged with WWE last year --
| following a lawsuit filed Thursday that accuses him of
| sexual misconduct.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-02 03:22:04 UTC
| Ex-Trump Org. CFO in talks to plead guilty to perjury
| charge tied to civil fraud investigation
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-03 12:59:20 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ex-Trump Org. CFO in talks to plead guilty to perjury
| charge tied to civil fraud investigation
| The wild probe into investors of DWAC, Trump Media's
| proposed merger ally
| Sales of Digital World Acquisition stock triggered a
| widespread federal probe that involved a confidential
| informant, a secret airport phone scan and an elite
| anti-money-laundering squad. Three people were indicted,
| but the investigation continues.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-04 01:02:01 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ex-Trump Org. CFO in talks to plead guilty to perjury
| charge tied to civil fraud investigation
| The wild probe into investors of DWAC, Trump Media's
| proposed merger ally
| Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?
| I've spent years investigating, and here's what's known.
| ...
| No other candidate for the White House this year has
| anything close to Trump's record of repeated social and
| business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other
| crooks.
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-02-04 03:05:04 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ex-Trump Org. CFO in talks to plead guilty to perjury
| charge tied to civil fraud investigation
| The wild probe into investors of DWAC, Trump Media's
| proposed merger ally
| Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?
| I've spent years investigating, and here's what's known.
| ...
| No other candidate for the White House this year has
| anything close to Trump's record of repeated social and
| business dealings with mobsters, swindlers, and other
| crooks.
| ...
"You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're
innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
Donald Trump, 2016


Trump pleaded the fifth more than 400 times
in fraud deposition, video shows
Jan 31 2023
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-06 22:02:45 UTC
| The New York judge set to deliver a verdict in the civil
| business fraud trial of Donald Trump has ordered attorneys
| in the case to give him details about possible perjury by
| former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen
| Weisselberg.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-08 13:43:48 UTC
| ...
| There is reason for Trump to be fretful about [former Trump
| chief of staff Mark] Meadows. Court documents that remain
| under seal but whose contents I'm familiar with confirm
| that Meadows did in fact receive an immunity order, signed
| on March 20, 2023, by Chief Judge James E. Boasberg of the
| District Court in Washington, to testify before a federal
| grand jury three days later. The order acknowledges that
| Meadows would most likely have taken the Fifth Amendment if
| not granted immunity to testify. Meadows did not simply
| honor a subpoena request with a single obligatory interview
| with federal prosecutors; rather, he spoke expansively to
| them and then, the next day, testified before the grand
| jury for approximately six hours.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-08 14:29:56 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?
| Federal authorities are currently investigating a series of
| threats made online to a potential witness related to
| special counsel Jack Smith's classified documents case
| against former President Donald Trump, according to a new
| court filing from Smith's team.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-08 17:59:10 UTC
Trump White House assistant Peter Navarro is going directly
to jail:

2024-02-08 18:23:15 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Defamation of GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
I know how this ends, Trump chases a kid around in a tomato garden.
Governor Swill
2024-02-08 23:54:50 UTC
Post by super70s
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Defamation of GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
I know how this ends, Trump chases a kid around in a tomato garden.
More likely he'll be chasing a tomato around a kids' garden.

The Cold War then and now:


Go Trump! Go farther . . . FARTHER . . . I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-16 11:36:33 UTC
o INDICTED Alexander Smirnov, Felony false statement, obstruction
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Defamation of GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o GUILTY Trump Organization, tax fraud
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-20 19:57:49 UTC
| A federal judge threatened Tuesday to hold former Trump
| White House adviser Peter Navarro in contempt of court for
| defying her order to return dozens -- and perhaps hundreds
| -- of presidential records to the National Archives.
| ...

The ruling:

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-26 18:29:29 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| A federal judge threatened Tuesday to hold former Trump
| White House adviser Peter Navarro in contempt of court for
| defying her order to return dozens -- and perhaps hundreds
| -- of presidential records to the National Archives.
| Kenneth Chesebro, the right-wing attorney who helped devise
| the Trump campaign's fake electors plot in 2020, concealed
| a secret Twitter account from Michigan prosecutors, hiding
| dozens of damning posts that undercut his statements to
| investigators about his role in the election subversion
| scheme, a CNN KFile investigation has found.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-26 22:52:57 UTC
| Former President Trump's lawyers in his hush-money case on
| Monday demanded a New York judge block key witnesses from
| testifying in Trump's first criminal trial set to begin
| next month.
| Trump attorney Todd Blanche moved to block testimony from
| Michael Cohen, Trump's ex-fixer, and two women he paid to
| stay quiet about affairs they alleged with Trump: Porn
| actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen
| McDougal.
| ...
| Trump's lawyers also asked to block the notorious 2005
| Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump is caught on a hot
| mic disparaging women, and evidence from close confidants
| at the time of his alleged crime, including Rudy Giuliani
| and ex-Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen
| Weisselberg.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-02-27 03:38:28 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Former President Trump's lawyers in his hush-money case on
| Monday demanded a New York judge block key witnesses from
| testifying in Trump's first criminal trial set to begin
| next month.
| Trump attorney Todd Blanche moved to block testimony from
| Michael Cohen, Trump's ex-fixer, and two women he paid to
| stay quiet about affairs they alleged with Trump: Porn
| actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen
| McDougal.
| ...
| Trump's lawyers also asked to block the notorious 2005
| Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump is caught on a hot
| mic disparaging women, and evidence from close confidants
| at the time of his alleged crime, including Rudy Giuliani
| and ex-Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen
| Weisselberg.
| ...
"Your honor, we ask that you block all evidence of our client's guilt."


Trump and the DoJ


GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-28 15:02:05 UTC
| Trump Pardon Recipient Fined $20 Million in Predatory
| Lending Case
| Jonathan Braun, whose sentence for drug smuggling was
| commuted in the final hours of the Trump presidency, was
| fined over separate accusations that he bilked and
| threatened borrowers.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-02-29 16:16:00 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Pardon Recipient Fined $20 Million in Predatory
| Lending Case
| The co-founders of former president Donald Trump's media
| company filed a lawsuit Wednesday, claiming that Trump and
| other leaders had schemed to deprive them of a stake in the
| company that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-02 15:36:44 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Pardon Recipient Fined $20 Million in Predatory
| Lending Case
| The co-founders of former president Donald Trump's media
| company filed a lawsuit Wednesday, claiming that Trump and
| other leaders had schemed to deprive them of a stake in the
| company that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
| A dog rescue charity that has links to Lara Trump, the
| former president's daughter-in-law, has spent almost $2m at
| Trump properties in the last seven years, according to US
| media reports.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-03-02 19:18:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump Pardon Recipient Fined $20 Million in Predatory
| Lending Case
| The co-founders of former president Donald Trump's media
| company filed a lawsuit Wednesday, claiming that Trump and
| other leaders had schemed to deprive them of a stake in the
| company that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
| A dog rescue charity that has links to Lara Trump, the
| former president's daughter-in-law, has spent almost $2m at
| Trump properties in the last seven years, according to US
| media reports.
| ...
The article is two years old.

Trump and the DoJ


GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-04 14:53:25 UTC
| Allen H. Weisselberg, a longtime lieutenant to former
| President Donald J. Trump, has reached an agreement with
| Manhattan prosecutors to plead guilty to perjury charges on
| Monday, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-03-04 20:34:58 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Allen H. Weisselberg, a longtime lieutenant to former
| President Donald J. Trump, has reached an agreement with
| Manhattan prosecutors to plead guilty to perjury charges on
| Monday, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
| ...
Knocking 'em down, one after the other.

Trump and the DoJ


GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2024-03-04 21:42:05 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Allen H. Weisselberg, a longtime lieutenant to former
| President Donald J. Trump, has reached an agreement with
| Manhattan prosecutors to plead guilty to perjury charges on
| Monday, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
| ...
Knocking 'em down, one after the other.
And working their way up the food chain...
Governor Swill
2024-03-05 04:20:17 UTC
Post by Gronk
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Allen H. Weisselberg, a longtime lieutenant to former
| President Donald J. Trump, has reached an agreement with
| Manhattan prosecutors to plead guilty to perjury charges on
| Monday, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
| ...
Knocking 'em down, one after the other.
And working their way up the food chain...

Trump and the DoJ


GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-06 14:04:09 UTC
| Now that former Trump Organization accountant Allen
| Weisselberg has pleaded guilty to perjury, the lawyers who
| defended Donald Trump at his bank fraud trial have found
| themselves in a precarious position: open to accusations
| that they violated professional ethics for remaining silent
| while their witness lied in court.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-06 23:49:32 UTC
GOP candidate endorsed by Trump wanted for murder:
| A former Nevada congressional hopeful has been identified
| as a suspect in the death last year of Chris Tapp, an Idaho
| man who spent two decades in prison for a murder he didn't
| commit and later became an advocate for the wrongfully
| convicted.
| The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Wednesday
| said it had obtained an arrest warrant on a murder charge
| for Daniel Rodimer, 45.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-07 14:33:51 UTC
| [Trump campaign adviser] Steve Bannon has exposed himself
| and his lawyers to possible sanctions for refusing to pay
| his former lawyer.
| ...
| "Bannon, with the aid of his counsel, has, for months, done
| nothing but intentionally stall and delay plaintiff's
| enforcement of its valid money judgment," wrote the law
| firm that previously represented him to a New York state
| judge.
| A judge ordered Bannon seven months ago to pay the $484,197
| he owes to former defense attorney Bob Costello, and his
| New York City law firm of Davidoff Hutcher and Citron has
| asked the court to step in again.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-03-07 19:08:04 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| [Trump campaign adviser] Steve Bannon has exposed himself
| and his lawyers to possible sanctions for refusing to pay
| his former lawyer.
| ...
| "Bannon, with the aid of his counsel, has, for months, done
| nothing but intentionally stall and delay plaintiff's
| enforcement of its valid money judgment," wrote the law
| firm that previously represented him to a New York state
| judge.
| A judge ordered Bannon seven months ago to pay the $484,197
| he owes to former defense attorney Bob Costello, and his
| New York City law firm of Davidoff Hutcher and Citron has
| asked the court to step in again.
| ...
Figures. Besties who don't pay their bills - Bannon and Trump.

"There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them."

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-14 13:18:34 UTC
| Patrick Byrne, the founder and former CEO of Overstock.com,
| has hired a lawyer facing criminal charges in Michigan for
| allegedly tampering with voting machines to defend him in a
| $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit.
| Stefanie Lambert filed an appearance in Washington, D.C.,
| federal court on Tuesday on behalf of Byrne, who has been
| fighting a defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems
| for the past three years.
| Dominion sued Byrne and others for spreading false claims
| that it rigged the 2020 election against then-U.S.
| President Donald Trump. Fox News settled Dominion's lawsuit
| for $787.5 million last year.
| Lambert, also known as Stefanie Lambert Junttila, is one of
| the lawyers who tried to overturn Joe Biden's 2020 election
| victory in Michigan. In August, she was charged with
| accessing, tampering with and undue possession of voting
| machines in the state, according to Michigan court records.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-03-15 04:03:10 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Patrick Byrne, the founder and former CEO of Overstock.com,
| has hired a lawyer facing criminal charges in Michigan for
| allegedly tampering with voting machines to defend him in a
| $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit.
| Stefanie Lambert filed an appearance in Washington, D.C.,
| federal court on Tuesday on behalf of Byrne, who has been
| fighting a defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems
| for the past three years.
| Dominion sued Byrne and others for spreading false claims
| that it rigged the 2020 election against then-U.S.
| President Donald Trump. Fox News settled Dominion's lawsuit
| for $787.5 million last year.
| Lambert, also known as Stefanie Lambert Junttila, is one of
| the lawyers who tried to overturn Joe Biden's 2020 election
| victory in Michigan. In August, she was charged with
| accessing, tampering with and undue possession of voting
| machines in the state, according to Michigan court records.
| ...
She deserves to be burned at the stake for tampering with voting machines.

It's time for a third party. Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

"Forward empowers leaders to find solutions that work in their communities.
We won’t dictate a rigid, top-down policy platform and expect it to work
for all Americans.


When Donald Trump was in third grade . . .

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-19 17:41:31 UTC
| Peter Navarro becomes first ex-Trump aide jailed in
| connection to Jan 6 Capitol riot
| ...

2024-03-19 19:09:27 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Peter Navarro becomes first ex-Trump aide jailed in
| connection to Jan 6 Capitol riot
| ...
This guy was nasty and unrepentant to the end surrendering himself
today, hope he enjoys his short stay in the country club prison.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-19 19:11:46 UTC
Post by super70s
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Peter Navarro becomes first ex-Trump aide jailed in
| connection to Jan 6 Capitol riot
This guy was nasty and unrepentant to the end surrendering himself
today, hope he enjoys his short stay in the country club prison.
Navarro's true crime was sidelining the experts and promoting,
via Trump, hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid. He is
probably responsible for tens of thousands of preventable deaths.

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-25 19:25:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Peter Navarro becomes first ex-Trump aide jailed in
| connection to Jan 6 Capitol riot
| NEW YORK (AP) -- Former President Donald Trump will stand
| trial starting April 15 on charges related to hush money
| payments meant to cover up claims of marital infidelity, a
| New York judge ruled Monday in tersely swatting aside
| defense claims of prosecutorial misconduct.
| Assuming the date holds, the decision from Judge Juan M.
| Merchan ensures that the prosecution will be the first of
| four criminal cases against Trump to reach trial, with the
| presumptive Republican nominee facing a jury in the city
| where he built a business empire decades ago and gained
| celebrity status.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-03-26 18:30:55 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Peter Navarro becomes first ex-Trump aide jailed in
| connection to Jan 6 Capitol riot
| NEW YORK (AP) -- Former President Donald Trump will stand
| trial starting April 15 on charges related to hush money
| Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign aide who was
| indicted alongside the former president in the Georgia
| election interference case, has been subpoenaed as part of
| a separate probe in Arizona investigating efforts to
| overturn the 2020 election results in that state, according
| to a source familiar with the matter.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-23 12:26:51 UTC
| Donald Trump's valet Walt Nauta was told that if he was
| charged with lying to the FBI, the former president would
| pardon him when he won a second term in 2024, according to
| notes from an interview with a witness in the federal
| classified documents investigation.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-24 16:57:36 UTC
| Michigan prosecutors consider former President Donald Trump
| and some of his top aides co-conspirators in the plot to
| submit a certificate falsely claiming he won Michigan's
| 2020 election, an investigator for Attorney General Dana
| Nessel's office testified Wednesday in court.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-25 13:33:43 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Michigan prosecutors consider former President Donald Trump
| and some of his top aides co-conspirators in the plot to
| submit a certificate falsely claiming he won Michigan's
| 2020 election, an investigator for Attorney General Dana
| Nessel's office testified Wednesday in court.
| An Arizona grand jury on Wednesday indicted seven attorneys
| or aides affiliated with Donald Trump's 2020 presidential
| campaign as well as 11 Arizona Republicans on felony
| charges related to their alleged efforts to subvert Joe
| Biden's 2020 victory in the state, according to an
| announcement by the state attorney general.
| Those indicted include former Trump White House chief of
| staff Mark Meadows, attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis,
| John Eastman and Christina Bobb, top campaign adviser Boris
| Epshteyn and former campaign aide Mike Roman. They are
| accused of allegedly aiding an unsuccessful strategy to
| award the state's electoral votes to Trump instead of Biden
| after the 2020 election. Also charged are the Republicans
| who signed paperwork on Dec. 14, 2020, that falsely
| purported Trump was the rightful winner, including former
| state party chair Kelli Ward, two state senators and Tyler
| Bowyer, a GOP national committeeman and chief operating
| officer of Turning Point Action, the campaign arm of the
| pro-Trump conservative group Turning Point USA.
| Trump was not charged, but he is described in the
| indictment as an unindicted co-conspirator.
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-04-25 13:37:13 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Michigan prosecutors consider former President Donald Trump
| and some of his top aides co-conspirators in the plot to
| submit a certificate falsely claiming he won Michigan's
| 2020 election, an investigator for Attorney General Dana
| Nessel's office testified Wednesday in court.
| An Arizona grand jury on Wednesday indicted seven attorneys
| or aides affiliated with Donald Trump's 2020 presidential
| campaign as well as 11 Arizona Republicans on felony
| charges related to their alleged efforts to subvert Joe
| Biden's 2020 victory in the state, according to an
| announcement by the state attorney general.
| Those indicted include former Trump White House chief of
| staff Mark Meadows, attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis,
| John Eastman and Christina Bobb, top campaign adviser Boris
| Epshteyn and former campaign aide Mike Roman. They are
| accused of allegedly aiding an unsuccessful strategy to
| award the state's electoral votes to Trump instead of Biden
| after the 2020 election. Also charged are the Republicans
| who signed paperwork on Dec. 14, 2020, that falsely
| purported Trump was the rightful winner, including former
| state party chair Kelli Ward, two state senators and Tyler
| Bowyer, a GOP national committeeman and chief operating
| officer of Turning Point Action, the campaign arm of the
| pro-Trump conservative group Turning Point USA.
| Trump was not charged, but he is described in the
| indictment as an unindicted co-conspirator.
| ...
Who else remember the famous
"unindicted co-conspirator" from the
the Watergate days?
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-25 19:07:11 UTC
| The accountant hired to audit former President Donald
| Trump's social media company seemed to have a lot of
| trouble spelling his name, the Financial Times reported on
| Wednesday.
| Ben F Borgers, the founder and managing partner of the
| accounting firm BF Borgers, spelled his name in 14
| different ways in regulatory filings, the Financial Times
| reported, citing data it had reviewed from the Public
| Company Accounting Oversight Board.
| Some variations, like Ben F Brogers and Ben F orgers,
| appeared to be minor spelling mistakes. But others, like
| Blake F Borgers and Ben F Vonesh, were entirely different
| names.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-25 19:37:43 UTC
| DOJ Filing: Steve Bannon Is a "Co-Conspirator" in a $1
| Billion Fraud Case
| Prosecutors identified the former Trump adviser as part of
| a massive criminal conspiracy allegedly orchestrated by
| Chinese tycoon Guo Wengui.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-26 14:14:54 UTC
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| ...

Lou Bricano
2024-04-26 14:37:16 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| ...
They're going to be fighting savagely to get at the front of the line to plead
guilty and implicate those at the back of the line. Even those who cut plea
deals need to be sentenced to long harsh prison terms. What they did was
tantamount to treason. *LOCK THEM UP*
Mitchell Holman
2024-04-26 17:50:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| ...
"We didn't know, we were duped,
it is not our fault, have pity on us"




Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-29 12:43:30 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Arizona state Sen. Jake Hoffman, one of the so-called fake
| electors charged in the Arizona 2020 election subversion
| case, announced Saturday that he's been elected as a
| Republican National Committee national committeeman for the
| state.
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-04-29 13:25:36 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Arizona state Sen. Jake Hoffman, one of the so-called fake
| electors charged in the Arizona 2020 election subversion
| case, announced Saturday that he's been elected as a
| Republican National Committee national committeeman for the
| state.
| ...
This is like the Revolution ending
with Tories getting elected to high office
in the demoracy they just fought against.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-04-29 15:02:40 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| The Supreme Court on Monday for a second time shot down a
| request from former Trump adviser Peter Navarro to avoid
| further prison time over his contempt of Congress
| conviction.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-03 14:26:53 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Trump Media auditor charged by SEC with 'massive fraud,'
| permanently barred from public company audits
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-05-03 17:33:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Trump Media auditor charged by SEC with 'massive fraud,'
| permanently barred from public company audits
| ...
But....but....Hunter Biden's laptop!
Governor Swill
2024-05-03 23:26:32 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Trump Media auditor charged by SEC with 'massive fraud,'
| permanently barred from public company audits
| ...
But....but....Hunter Biden's laptop!
If there's one thing the Republicans have taught us about deficit spending, it's this:
Don't spend money you don't have, spend money *other* people don't have.

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Governor Swill
2024-05-03 23:29:46 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Trump Media auditor charged by SEC with 'massive fraud,'
| permanently barred from public company audits
| ...
But....but....Hunter Biden's laptop!
But ... but Hillary's URANIUM mines!

If there's one thing the Republicans have taught us about deficit spending, it's this:
Don't spend money you don't have, spend money *other* people don't have.

Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-10 21:03:00 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Barron Trump To Be Florida Delegate At Republican Convention
| ...

| ...
| "While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate
| by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to
| participate due to prior commitments," former first lady
| Melania Trump's office said in a statement.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-16 10:56:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Trump Media and Technology Group will miss a deadline to
| file a required Securities and Exchange Commission form,
| according to a Wednesday filing from the company, after the
| SEC accused the company's previous auditing firm earlier
| this month of "massive fraud" over allegations the firm
| failed to comply with accounting standards.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-17 09:22:55 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Donald Trump's former White House aide is under fire after
| a video showed him claiming to distribute fake money to
| homeless people so that they will be arrested when they
| spend it.
| ...

Mitchell Holman
2024-05-17 18:16:05 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Donald Trump's former White House aide is under fire after
| a video showed him claiming to distribute fake money to
| homeless people so that they will be arrested when they
| spend it.
| ...
Let's see the hands of local
sheriffs who want to fill up their
jails with homeless people. By
releasing dangerous criminals to
make room for them, of course.
Siri Cruise
2024-05-18 01:00:22 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Donald Trump's former White House aide is under fire after
| a video showed him claiming to distribute fake money to
| homeless people so that they will be arrested when they
| spend it.
| ...
Stupid idea that only wastes police and Secret Service time. It's
not illegal to possess counterfeit without intent to defraud.
Merchants who suspect counterfeit refuse the transaction and call
the police. The Secret Service and police come in to investigate
and try to track the source. The attempted payer is detained not
arrested. When the Secret Service can find out who printed it,
that's who gets arrested.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-18 21:20:40 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Fifty-three people who tried to keep former President
| Donald J. Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election
| have now been criminally charged.
| Eastman Is First Trump Ally Arraigned in Arizona Election
| Case
| The author of a plan to put forward fake electors in states
| Donald J. Trump lost in 2020 is one of 18 defendants
| charged in the Arizona case.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-05-31 13:47:07 UTC
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, 34 felonies
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud $450,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer, tax evasion
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign, fraud
o GUILTY Allen Weisselberg, CFO Trump Organization, fraud, purgery
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer, Defamation GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o GUILTY Trump Organization, tax fraud
o DISBARRED John Eastman, Conspired to subvert election
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Alexander Smirnov, Felony false statement, obstruction
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump


Who did I forget?
Governor Swill
2024-06-01 22:09:23 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, 34 felonies
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Fraud $450,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Defamation, $88,000,000 fine
o GUILTY Donald J. Trump, Rape
o GUILTY Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer, tax evasion
o GUILTY Paul Manafort, Chair of Trump's campaign, fraud
o GUILTY Allen Weisselberg, CFO Trump Organization, fraud, purgery
o GUILTY Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer, Defamation GA election workers
o GUILTY Jenna Ellis, felony aiding and abetting false statements
o GUILTY Kenneth Chesebro, felony conpiracy election interference
o GUILTY Sidney Powell, election interference, six years probation
o GUILTY Scott Graham Hall, election interference, 5 years probation
o GUILTY Stewart Rhodes, Seditious Conspiracy, 18 year sentence
o GUILTY Jesse Benton, Illegal Russian campaign contribution
o GUILTY Steve Bannon, Contempt of Congress
o GUILTY Lev Parnas, Funneled money from Russia to Trump's GOP
o GUILTY George Papadopoulus, Trump foreign policy adviser
o GUILTY Rick Gates, Trump campaign aide
o GUILTY Michael Flynn, Trump national security adviser
o GUILTY Richard Pinedo, Russian cutout
o GUILTY Alex van der Zwaan, Gates liaison with Ukraine
o GUILTY W. Samuel Patten, Laundered Russian Money for Trump
o GUILTY Marina Butina, Conspired with NRA/GOP for Russian Intelligence
o GUILTY George Nader, Russia/MidEast liason, Child Porn
o GUILTY Roger J. Stone, Jr., Longtime Trump adviser
o GUILTY Chris Collins, First in Congress endorse Trump, insider trading
o GUILTY Elliot Broidy, Trump Campaign fundraiser
o GUILTY Stephen Calk, CEO Federal Saving Bank of Chicago
o GUILTY Igor Fruman, Guiliani associate, Trump trickster
o GUILTY Peter Navarro, criminal contempt of congress
o GUILTY Trump Organization, tax fraud
o DISBARRED John Eastman, Conspired to subvert election
o INDICTED 13 Russian nationals, 3 Russian companies
o INDICTED Alexander Smirnov, Felony false statement, obstruction
o INDICTED Konstantin Kilimnik, Russian associate of Manafort
o INDICTED 12 Russian GRU officers
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
o IMPEACHED Donald J. Trump
Who did I forget?
He's listed but one traitor, sentenced to 18 years for his efforts to keep Trump in
office, deserves Special Mention - Stewart Rhodes: Under his leadership in 2013, the Oath
Keepers instructed its members to form "Citizen Preservation" teams, which included
militias, to operate in communities across the US meant to defend citizens against the
government intentionally letting the country descend into chaos then declaring martial law
and scrapping the constitution, stating that "They are preparing to control and contain
us, and to shoot us, but not preparing to feed us."[17][18][4]

In 2024 I'm eating well and haven't seen any soldiers in my neighborhood.

Trump cites FBI stats to prove crime going down, 2019


Trump dismisses FBI stats that prove crime is going down, 2024


Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-04 15:01:53 UTC
| Former Trump aides charged in Wisconsin over 2020 elector
| plot
| Attorney Kenneth Chesebro is among three aides charged in
| Wisconsin. Separate cases related to Trump's 2020 efforts
| have been filed in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Georgia.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-05 13:46:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Former Trump aides charged in Wisconsin over 2020 elector
| plot
| Kushner engaged in 'level of corruption that we've just
| never seen' with foreign relations
| ...
| Rhodes made the comment when asked about The New York
| Times's recent reporting that detailed that 99 percent of
| Kushner's investment fund's money came from foreign
| sources. The outlet also reported Kushner is working on
| developing hotels in the Balkans, specifically in Serbia
| and Albania, and noted that the firm has taken money from
| Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-09 13:55:35 UTC
| Bryan Blehm, a Scottsdale divorce attorney who represented
| failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake in her bid to
| overturn her 2022 defeat and lied to the state Supreme
| Court on her behalf, has been suspended from practicing law
| in Arizona for two months.
| On Friday, an Arizona Supreme Court panel ruled that
| Blehm's law license will be suspended for 60 days,
| beginning in a month. Once that term has ended and his
| license has been reinstated, Blehm will be placed on
| probation for one year and he will be required to complete
| five additional hours of continuing legal education in the
| area of ethics or professional responsibility.
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-06-09 18:40:37 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Bryan Blehm, a Scottsdale divorce attorney who represented
| failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake in her bid to
| overturn her 2022 defeat and lied to the state Supreme
| Court on her behalf, has been suspended from practicing law
| in Arizona for two months.
| On Friday, an Arizona Supreme Court panel ruled that
| Blehm's law license will be suspended for 60 days,
| beginning in a month. Once that term has ended and his
| license has been reinstated, Blehm will be placed on
| probation for one year and he will be required to complete
| five additional hours of continuing legal education in the
| area of ethics or professional responsibility.
| ...

And these are the people magoos want running the government.

We now have it from the horse's mouth that the Trumps are white supremacists.

Eric at a press conference in New York Wed, May 29, 2024
after his father's guilty verdict was handed down said:

"I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will. We're white. The country knows
that this is nonsense."

(video at link)

Not left, not right, forward. https://www.forwardparty.com/

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-18 20:19:05 UTC
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...

| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...

Governor Swill
2024-06-19 05:57:22 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...
"A total of 51 Trump allies, and Mr. Trump himself, are now facing charges in five states
related to election interference; a number of others have either pleaded guilty or reached
cooperation agreements."

2024-06-19 11:32:02 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...
You left this part out:

In late 2020, the Department of Justice began investigating Gaetz over
allegations that he had sex trafficked a minor. The DOJ announced in
February 2023 that it was effectively closing the investigation
without bringing charges.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-19 11:35:34 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
And more:
| But in Arizona, he is getting a featured role. His
| indictment there stems from work he did behind the scenes
| to try to keep Mr. Trump in power after his 2020 election
| loss. Shepherding a small group of advisers, he helped
| oversee a plan to deploy fake electors in seven
| battleground states lost by Mr. Trump, documents show.
| ...

2024-06-20 11:14:57 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| But in Arizona, he is getting a featured role. His
| indictment there stems from work he did behind the scenes
| to try to keep Mr. Trump in power after his 2020 election
| loss. Shepherding a small group of advisers, he helped
| oversee a plan to deploy fake electors in seven
| battleground states lost by Mr. Trump, documents show.
| ...
Why are you quoting me as saying things I did not say?
J Carlson
2024-06-20 15:18:36 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| But in Arizona, he is getting a featured role. His
| indictment there stems from work he did behind the scenes
| to try to keep Mr. Trump in power after his 2020 election
| loss. Shepherding a small group of advisers, he helped
| oversee a plan to deploy fake electors in seven
| battleground states lost by Mr. Trump, documents show.
| ...
Why are you quoting me as saying things I did not say?
He isn't.
2024-06-21 11:30:11 UTC
Post by J Carlson
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| But in Arizona, he is getting a featured role. His
| indictment there stems from work he did behind the scenes
| to try to keep Mr. Trump in power after his 2020 election
| loss. Shepherding a small group of advisers, he helped
| oversee a plan to deploy fake electors in seven
| battleground states lost by Mr. Trump, documents show.
| ...
Why are you quoting me as saying things I did not say?
He isn't.
Guess you can't read those little ">" marks.

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-19 11:36:51 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
And more:
| ...
| But in Arizona, he is getting a featured role. His
| indictment there stems from work he did behind the scenes
| to try to keep Mr. Trump in power after his 2020 election
| loss. Shepherding a small group of advisers, he helped
| oversee a plan to deploy fake electors in seven
| battleground states lost by Mr. Trump, documents show.
| ...

Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-19 12:47:45 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| In recent weeks, House Ethics Committee investigators have
| conducted a string of interviews behind closed doors with
| numerous women who were witnesses in the years-long Justice
| Department sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt
| Gaetz, multiple sources familiar with the committee's work
| tell ABC News.
| Investigators have interviewed at least half a dozen women
| who allegedly attended parties where the Florida
| Congressman was also present and who were paid by Joel
| Greenberg, Gaetz's one-time close friend. Greenberg was
| sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in federal prison after
| pleading guilty to multiple charges including sex
| trafficking a minor and introducing the minor to other
| "adult men," sources tell ABC News.
| ...

2024-06-20 11:15:53 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| In recent weeks, House Ethics Committee investigators have
| conducted a string of interviews behind closed doors with
| numerous women who were witnesses in the years-long Justice
| Department sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt
| Gaetz, multiple sources familiar with the committee's work
| tell ABC News.
| Investigators have interviewed at least half a dozen women
| who allegedly attended parties where the Florida
| Congressman was also present and who were paid by Joel
| Greenberg, Gaetz's one-time close friend. Greenberg was
| sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in federal prison after
| pleading guilty to multiple charges including sex
| trafficking a minor and introducing the minor to other
| "adult men," sources tell ABC News.
| ...
Aaaand another story consisting of people who can't be named. That's
known as propaganda.
J Carlson
2024-06-20 15:19:08 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| In recent weeks, House Ethics Committee investigators have
| conducted a string of interviews behind closed doors with
| numerous women who were witnesses in the years-long Justice
| Department sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt
| Gaetz, multiple sources familiar with the committee's work
| tell ABC News.
| Investigators have interviewed at least half a dozen women
| who allegedly attended parties where the Florida
| Congressman was also present and who were paid by Joel
| Greenberg, Gaetz's one-time close friend. Greenberg was
| sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in federal prison after
| pleading guilty to multiple charges including sex
| trafficking a minor and introducing the minor to other
| "adult men," sources tell ABC News.
| ...
Aaaand another story consisting of people who can't be named. That's
known as propaganda.
No, it's not. It's standard reporting.
Bradley K. Sherman
2024-06-20 19:41:50 UTC
| A Michigan lawmaker was arrested in Lansing early Thursday
| after police were dispatched to the area on a report of
| shots being fired.
| Rep. Neil Friske, R-Charlevoix, was arrested at 2:45 a.m.
| in the 2100 block of Forest Road.
| ...

2024-06-21 11:29:35 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| A Michigan lawmaker was arrested in Lansing early Thursday
| after police were dispatched to the area on a report of
| shots being fired.
| Rep. Neil Friske, R-Charlevoix, was arrested at 2:45 a.m.
| in the 2100 block of Forest Road.
| ...
There appears to be much more to the story that you left out:

"Friske was arrested for a felony-level offense, but police did not
share any further details on the nature of the incident.

His campaign issued a statement claiming Friske was "exercising his
2nd Amendment right," and saying they do not have any further details
"besides what the media sourced, oddly before anyone of us knew

The statement went on to say, "We ask everyone for prayers and to stay
tuned for updates directly from this campaign or Representative Friske
himself. Thank you for the outpouring of concern and unwavering
support we have received this morning."

The statement also threw suspicious over what the campaign called "the
timing of this situation."

The police department reports that Friske was arrested at 2:45 a.m.,
but the lawmaker appeared to have posted two social media posts on X,
formerly known as Twitter, following that time.

At 3:25 a.m., a post was made saying, "This is a metaphoric visual of
why I vote the way I do in Lansing. I'm not going to cave to the
pressure of special interest. I'm not afraid of the false accusations,
like 'Friske is for AI Porn' when a bill denies THE PEOPLE their
rights to properly defend themselves."

The following post, made at 3:26 a.m., said, "Since the beginning, as
a House Republican in the minority power, I have sounded the alarm on
these "Trojan-Donkey" bills. My opponent has made it clear that he
will work with the Democrats, and all he can do is try and discredit
my pro-freedom voting record."
2024-06-21 11:27:17 UTC
Post by J Carlson
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| In recent weeks, House Ethics Committee investigators have
| conducted a string of interviews behind closed doors with
| numerous women who were witnesses in the years-long Justice
| Department sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt
| Gaetz, multiple sources familiar with the committee's work
| tell ABC News.
| Investigators have interviewed at least half a dozen women
| who allegedly attended parties where the Florida
| Congressman was also present and who were paid by Joel
| Greenberg, Gaetz's one-time close friend. Greenberg was
| sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in federal prison after
| pleading guilty to multiple charges including sex
| trafficking a minor and introducing the minor to other
| "adult men," sources tell ABC News.
| ...
Aaaand another story consisting of people who can't be named. That's
known as propaganda.
No, it's not. It's standard reporting.
If you accept unsupported claims as "reporting" that's up to you but
it's not "standard reporting".
Governor Swill
2024-06-20 23:37:43 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| In recent weeks, House Ethics Committee investigators have
| conducted a string of interviews behind closed doors with
| numerous women who were witnesses in the years-long Justice
| Department sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt
| Gaetz, multiple sources familiar with the committee's work
| tell ABC News.
| Investigators have interviewed at least half a dozen women
| who allegedly attended parties where the Florida
| Congressman was also present and who were paid by Joel
| Greenberg, Gaetz's one-time close friend. Greenberg was
| sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in federal prison after
| pleading guilty to multiple charges including sex
| trafficking a minor and introducing the minor to other
| "adult men," sources tell ABC News.
| ...
Aaaand another story consisting of people who can't be named. That's
known as propaganda.
Reminds me of Biden's impeachment.

"Anonymous whistleblowers" who turned out to be lying and one of them was a Russian agent.

Siri Cruise
2024-06-19 17:28:21 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
In late 2020, the Department of Justice began investigating Gaetz over
allegations that he had sex trafficked a minor. The DOJ announced in
February 2023 that it was effectively closing the investigation
without bringing charges.
DoJ and Congress are separate organisation? Who'd thunk that?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-06-20 11:16:35 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...
In late 2020, the Department of Justice began investigating Gaetz over
allegations that he had sex trafficked a minor. The DOJ announced in
February 2023 that it was effectively closing the investigation
without bringing charges.
And Bradley the coward can't refute what I posted.
Governor Swill
2024-06-20 23:39:39 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...
In late 2020, the Department of Justice began investigating Gaetz over
allegations that he had sex trafficked a minor. The DOJ announced in
February 2023 that it was effectively closing the investigation
without bringing charges.
And Bradley the coward can't refute what I posted.
I already have, on his behalf. His post is about a NEW investigation of Gaetz due to new

Governor Swill
2024-06-21 00:03:14 UTC
Post by NoBody
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Trump's 'Wartime Consigliere' Now Faces Legal Peril of His
| Own
| Boris Epshteyn routinely surfaces as a lesser character in
| Trump-related indictments. In a case in Arizona, he pleaded
| not guilty on Tuesday to nine felony charges.
| ...
| Ethics Committee Reaffirms Probe Into Matt Gaetz [R-FL]
| for 'Sexual Misconduct'
| ...
In late 2020, the Department of Justice began investigating Gaetz over
allegations that he had sex trafficked a minor. The DOJ announced in
February 2023 that it was effectively closing the investigation
without bringing charges.
And you left THIS part out:

"June 18, 2024 11:10 AM | Updated: June 18, 2024 11:10 AM
After Rep. Matt Gaetz said the House Ethics Committee was opening a new investigation into
him on Monday, the committee confirmed Tuesday that it is, indeed, continuing to look into
the Florida Republican for a number of allegations, including “sexual misconduct and
illicit drug use.”"

It's a new investigation, stupid.

2024-06-14 05:19:44 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| Bryan Blehm, a Scottsdale divorce attorney who represented
| failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake in her bid to
| overturn her 2022 defeat and lied to the state Supreme
| Court on her behalf, has been suspended from practicing law
| in Arizona for two months.
| On Friday, an Arizona Supreme Court panel ruled that
| Blehm's law license will be suspended for 60 days,
| beginning in a month. Once that term has ended and his
| license has been reinstated, Blehm will be placed on
| probation for one year and he will be required to complete
| five additional hours of continuing legal education in the
| area of ethics or professional responsibility.
| ...
Governor Swill
2024-02-27 03:34:11 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
| A federal judge threatened Tuesday to hold former Trump
| White House adviser Peter Navarro in contempt of court for
| defying her order to return dozens -- and perhaps hundreds
| -- of presidential records to the National Archives.
| Kenneth Chesebro, the right-wing attorney who helped devise
| the Trump campaign's fake electors plot in 2020, concealed
| a secret Twitter account from Michigan prosecutors, hiding
| dozens of damning posts that undercut his statements to
| investigators about his role in the election subversion
| scheme, a CNN KFile investigation has found.
| ...
"Pro-Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro told Michigan investigators that he doesn’t have any
social media accounts, including Twitter. But CNN uncovered a secret Twitter account that
Chesebro used to anonymously post about the 2020 election in real-time."


Another Republican caught lying to Law Enforcement!


Trump and the DoJ


GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.